1. The beginning of a great adventure
    November 14, 2012 by Walden3

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to the first post on the new Walden Three website. This is an experiment – surely our lives and art and every decision we make – but this project, this art center called Walden Three, is an experiment to the very core. There are a few things that I know – I believe in this experiment, I believe in the creative capital of the Pacific Northwest, I believe in the community that fosters it and feeds it, and I believe that it is grossly under-represented and under-exploited. This is my attempt to harness this raw energy, my proposal to give it an address and a vehicle to export it to our region and around the world. But let it be clear – I do not have the financial backing (at this moment) to push this plan into action, and ultimately, I do not know where this rock will roll once pushed. But I do know that it will be a hell of a time and change our generation and our city forever. That is my promise.

    This website is designed to inspire and share the vision behind Walden Three. It is a pliable, unfinished thing that needs sharpening, refinement and new perspectives and talents outside of my own knowledge and experience. Much like the project itself, it is designed to change and grow as time and perspective is gained, but at its core it does not change – Walden Three is designed as long term cultural center designed to activate and inspire both our creative class as well as the world at large, using the medium of film to document, educate and propagate the content it produces, exhibits and exports.

    And this blog component, beyond this first post, will be a mixture of real updates outlining the progress of capital fundraising, with entirely  fabricated accounts of fictitious events, openings, arts programming and generally excellent times experienced in Walden Three. Why? I want this blog to stand as a testament of what this project and our city could become. I want to seduce the artists, patrons, curators, and potential investors with day to day accounts of how Walden Three runs – explaining the operations model in greater detail, and unfolding the magic that I think Walden Three would create when activated. This is the only time I am going to announce that most of the posts you will find here are fictions, and in time this confessional will be buried under volumes of stories, outlines and rich, colorful experiences. I hope that this site, and these posts inspire and mobilize our artists and our wealthy to recognize the potential of a project like Walden Three and view the unique opportunity our generation has to change the world. It is a tall order, and not entirely waterproof, but we do have all of the ingredients to activate a golden age, a true renaissance, and inspire and change the world in profound and permanent ways. That to me, is worth fighting for, and it is my hope that you will help petition for this project and this dream of changing the world through art and expression.


    Greg Lundgren

    author, Walden Three